PLEASE NOTE: This item is “Second Quality” with one or more imperfections. This item is not “First Quality” and is sold at a discounted rate, because it does not meet our “First Quality” standard. The item pictured is an example of this pattern, NOT an image of the exact knife you will receive. While the item you receive will function as safely as any First Quality knife, it is ideal as a “user” or “tinkerer” not a collectible and is sold “as-is” with no return or refund after purchase.
What is a Second?
In general, Seconds have a “look” or “feel” that is not in line with First Quality. It will have one or more of the following imperfections: discoloration or wide variation in the handle dye, imperfect jigging, small cracks or fractures near pins, minor blade/bolster/shield imperfections like scratches or poor polish, minor blade wobble, weak or “mushy” blade stops, light pull between stops, poor blade centering (without rub), minor gapping in liners or between handle material and liners, and rough or unfinished edges or transition.
Normally, the reason why your knife was considered a second will be written on the sleeve of the box. If for some reason, there is no writing on your box – it was likely a dye or mismatched handle issue. To deter secondary markets from selling this knife at First Quality pricing, this item is marked.
Blade Show 2023 Imported Knife of the Year
The RoseCraft Blades Clinch River Swayback is based on the popular traditional Swayback pattern but offers a finger choil that is cut partly from the blade and partly from the bolster. This one-bladed slip joint features a 3.125” D2 Steel Wharncliffe blade with a half stop and a brushed satin finish. The covers are Smoky Gray Bone with steel liners, nickel silver pins, a Steel Rosebud Shield, and brushed steel bolsters. It’s 4” closed and 7.125” fully open. Designed by Andy Armstrong.
A note about RoseCraft’s bone handles: Bone is a natural handle material that varies in texture, pattern, and natural coloring. Every bone handled knife will look different, because bone isn’t identical. At RoseCraft, we don’t use dye to cover up what we think is the natural beauty of the bone in the handle. We use it to accentuate that natural beauty, and you’re going to see a lot of that gorgeous natural texture and pattern that is in your unique bone-handled knife. We love it, and hope you do too.
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